If you would like to know more about these products or to ask Marlin Berg a question call him at 800-777-5543 or email him at
As a business person you must be computer literate if you got to this web page. I’m sure it took some time to get here, either in a search or with an address. Depending on the speed of your modem, it took some time to get where you wanted to go, especially if that page has a lot of information. Now, that was one scenario. Here is another. Let’s say your customer wants to get to your web page and a message comes up that your page can’t be found. Better yet, they get a message saying that the server is down, try again later. Well, I have to tell you that this person had a need to order food at that moment, not later. If your phone lines are cut you would be livid. Sometimes people don’t like to send info over the net because infomation that can be accessed by persons that should not have that info. You are trying to increase sales by having your customers ordering their food, but on the other hand there are road blocks for your customers.
"FAX'T FOOD ©" solves all of those problems. Take a look, and if you don’t see the merit to "FAX'T FOOD ©" at least you saw an alternative that your customer might like better.
When your customers go to order their food they don't want to see this picture on their computer. This can happen when they use the WEB. Or better yet they might get a message saying server is down try later. Is this what you want? I don't think so.
FAX'T FOOD © is meant to be used by all types of PC computer users. At work or at home.
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